Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dr's Appt, Sept 9th (Update)

So I didn't get on here to update the Eggies' progress after our doctor's appointment last Friday. Everything is going well. Baby A's heartbeat is 151 and Baby B is at 158. While listening to B, I heard a little "popping" noise and the tech asked if I felt that. I said no, but I heard it, and she said that she had just kicked. I told her again that I didn't feel it and she said she felt it through the "microphone" (as I call it LOL).

I had not felt any movement before, and the doc said she thinks it would happen any day now, and I think last night I felt them for the first time. It wasn't a "flutter" like people tell me, it was more like something was swimming in there. LOL I've felt it a couple times today too. It might just be gas, but I'm sticking with thinking it's them. :)

Only other update is that I've gained 9 lbs and she's pleased with this progress. Now, with the incredibly strong cravings I've been having, and the "never feeling full" stuff that's come back with a vengeance, I'm hoping to continue on with our trend of a couple pounds per month. Hoping. I'm not counting on it, but I'm going to hold onto that hope. LOL

Our next appt is Oct 7th, and I've taken half the day off work, so I'll be able to update when I get home! :) It's another ultrasound appt, so I can tell you what funny things they've been doing. (I'd like to show you pics but I can't seem to figure out how the heck I can upload these pictures.) Maybe one day!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Reveal Day!!!

It's Reveal Day!!! LOL We are proud to announce that we are going to be the proud parents, and Trevor is going to be the proud (we hope LOL) Big Brother to.....TWO BABY GIRLS!!! This was our preference, but obviously we just hoped for two healthy babies. This was not Trevor's first choice, by the way. LOL He really wanted a baby brother.

So we had made plans to have Michael's parents drive down today to go with us, and found out that we could only have 2 people plus me in the room. Eek! When they called my name, Michael and I, and our two Mom's got up and walked into the Ultrasound Room. Thank God the tech is so cool, because she didn't bat an eye! LOL So our two Mom's were able to share in this experience with us. As she was measuring Baby A, the tech asked if we wanted to know what we were having if she could find out. All four of us enthusiastically said "YES!" So she measured Baby A in the million ways she has to, and then said "Uh oh. Baby A has their legs closed and crossed." I said "Well then poke it to make it move, because we're finding out today what we're having!" LOL So she moved on and measured Baby B. When she was done with that, she said "Ok, Baby B is definitely a girl." We cheered. LOL She finished up Baby B and headed back over to Baby A. After some poking around and prodding, she finally got the shot and said "I would say that Baby A is also a girl." Another cheer went up and tears and cheesy grins came out! LOL We were very excited! So we finished up, she said the Baby Eggies look great, strong heartbeats, and measured good, but she wasn't a doctor so don't take her word as law. (However, as I told her, she does this all day, every day, so I do take her word seriously and believe her when she says that everything looks good.)

As we walk out into the waiting room to get the two Grandpa's, we pull them into the elevator and hand each one a bag. Our way to reveal to our Dad's, was to get pink (or blue, we had back-ups just in case LOL) Easter eggs and write Baby A and Baby B on each of them and hide them in brown paper bags. They each opened one up in the elevator on the way down. They thought this was a very cute idea, and Dad Eggers even wanted to take the eggs home to show everyone! LOL

So, we are having two girls, and yes we have our names picked out, but no, you can't know what they are yet. LOL We'll be revealing those when they are born. :) We have the nursery stuff all picked out, and we'll be heading off to register at the first two stores here in just a bit, but we wanted to drop in and let you all know that it's two girls!!

PS - We forgot to ask measurements, and honestly, she said that's something to ask the doctor about when I go back in two weeks, but Baby A has a heartbeat of 148 and Baby B has a heartbeat of 143. Strong and healthy, per the u/s tech!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dr's Appt #2

**July 14, 2010**

So this day finds us getting ready to go to our second doctor's appointment. I've got a lot going on in my mind, as this was my Grandma's birthday and after we left the doctor's office, we were heading straight to the funeral home for my Great Aunt that passed away on the 12th. I was full of nerves and fear on the way there, and sitting in the waiting room was torture. We were finally called in (Mom went with us this time) and I lay on the table. The tech puts the jelly on and starts moving the "magic wand". (Here's where it gets scary: I flash back to a year ago and I'm laying on a table just like this, where a girl is moving the wand over my tummy and has a totally blank look on her face because she just doesn't see anything in there.) Today's tech isn't smiling or laughing or anything, and she keeps moving it over and pressing in harder. I finally say "Do they look like they got any bigger?" She tells me they definitely got bigger, and I'll feel better in a few minutes, she's just taking some measurements right now.

Sure enough, a few minutes later she flips this little switch, and we hear "wah wah wah wah" and as soon as I heard that first heartbeat, the tension just flowed right out of me. One down, one more to go. So she moves it over a little and lets me hear Baby A's heartbeat and it's a little softer. She looks at me and says "That's just because of how they're laying." So, we've heard both heartbeats, she's told me they are strong and they are measuring right where they should be. Next up: I want to see them. :)

So she turns the TV on, and all of a sudden, our two little Baby Eggies are on the screen, head to head. LOL They are definitely going to be little stars, because they were putting on quite the show with their movements and Mom swears Baby A was trying to do somersaults. (This would be fitting because I used to somersault my way across the pool, and since they are just floating in there, I can only assume at least one would be doing the same thing!)Baby B is putting their fist up by their mouth then moving it back down. Baby A is slapping their knee like it's the funniest joke they've ever heard. Then, I think they decided that they were on a roller coaster, because all of a sudden their arms were up over their heads and brought down, then back up again. LOL It was that, or they were both throwing simultaneous temper tantrums. If that's the case, now I'm really scared. LOL

Either way, whether we have the saintliest of angels or the meanest of heathens, Mama and Daddy definitely feel a lot more relaxed and can start enjoying the little Eggies "bakin" in there. They were having a great time, and Mama was mesmerized by their enjoyment. I could have sat and watched that screen all day long. All I can say is that I am SO looking forward to seeing these little ones grow and take on personalities of their own.... even if the old saying is true and your children grow up to be your parent's paybacks to you. LOL

Our Journey to Bakin' the Eggies...

Our story is one full of ups and downs, ins and outs, and lefts and rights. LOL In August 2000, I married the love of my life. We tried right away to have kids. After countless negative pregnancy tests, several doctor visits, (and one cervical cancer scare), I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS for short). At the time, we were told it affected 1 in 4000 women. The doctor that diagnosed me told me that without intense fertility treatments I'd never have a shot of getting pregnant, unless a miracle occurred. So, we trudged on, hoping for our miracle to one day happen. Fast forward to June 2006, where we are meeting the son my husband never knew he had. We were nervous, but we were hoping this was our shot of adding to our family. We'd talked a lot about whether we should try to get involved in an eight year old child's life, having never met him before, and say "We're a new part of your family". After some semi-awkward visits, he's welcomed us with open arms, and we've become a family. A couple years ago, it finally dawned on me that we had gotten our miracle. I'd never be called "Mom", but I'd do everything I could to be the best stepmom anyone's ever had.

When the pain on my left side started a few days before July 4, 2010, I had no idea what to think of it. By the time we'd finished fireworks and gotten home, the pain was intolerable and I asked my husband to take me to the hospital. It was there in the hospital that we were told "You're not just pregnant, you're SUPER pregnant", followed 30 minutes later by "We're sorry, but we just can't find the baby". After being admitted to the hospital, my doctor told me that our baby was stuck in my left tube, and my body was rejecting it on it's own. After days of tears and wondering "Why me?" I realized that I needed to both mourn the loss of our child, but be grateful that God had given me a renewed hope that one day I may carry one of our own. After a test was done to see what caused the tubal pregnancy, we found out my left tube is entirely blocked. I was devestated. There's yet another shot at getting pregnant out the window, and it will truly be a miracle if I ever got pregnant again....

May 2011 would turn out to be our best month ever, so far! My stepson turned 13, and we had decided to try again! When it dawned on us that "something" had been missing the last couple of months, we thought maybe we should just take a pregnancy test to rule that out, and if it was something worse, we'd deal with it. So the Saturday before Memorial Day, at 5:30 am, I found myself wide awake thinking "Oh God. I'm going to take another test. What if I'm NOT pregnant? What then?" and then finally telling myself to just go take the darn test. So, I took the test and went about my business trying hard not to look at it until the 2 minutes I was supposed to wait was up. When I looked, there were two lines. Thinking the tears in my eyes were doubling my vision, I wiped my eyes and looked again. Yep, still two there! I had no idea what to think. As I lay in bed wondering if this time would be like the last time, my husband rolled over and said "Good Morning". I thought to myself  "It IS a good morning. It's the best morning of my life, why am I not jumping for joy?" So, I told my husband, and he jumped up and started making phone calls. LOL

June 7, 2011 found us in my doctor's office, having my first ultrasound. She kept telling us how great "they" were doing, and how "they" were the right size. After a couple more "they's" my head swiveled around and caught my husband's eye. He jumped forward and said "THEY?!?!" She calmly said "Yes, THEY. You're having twins." Whoa, where the heck did this come from?? Twins?!?!? How the? Who the? When the? I have twin first cousins. There's no way we are having twins. So she flipped on the screen and yep, there's two little ones in there. They were about the size of eggs on the screen, so from then on, I've dubbed them the "Baby Eggies" and until we find out what they are and can start picking names, they will continue to be referred to by their nickname.

If you've made it this far in the story, we welcome you to follow us on our journey as we continue to keep "Bakin' the Eggies"...