Friday, July 15, 2011

Our Journey to Bakin' the Eggies...

Our story is one full of ups and downs, ins and outs, and lefts and rights. LOL In August 2000, I married the love of my life. We tried right away to have kids. After countless negative pregnancy tests, several doctor visits, (and one cervical cancer scare), I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS for short). At the time, we were told it affected 1 in 4000 women. The doctor that diagnosed me told me that without intense fertility treatments I'd never have a shot of getting pregnant, unless a miracle occurred. So, we trudged on, hoping for our miracle to one day happen. Fast forward to June 2006, where we are meeting the son my husband never knew he had. We were nervous, but we were hoping this was our shot of adding to our family. We'd talked a lot about whether we should try to get involved in an eight year old child's life, having never met him before, and say "We're a new part of your family". After some semi-awkward visits, he's welcomed us with open arms, and we've become a family. A couple years ago, it finally dawned on me that we had gotten our miracle. I'd never be called "Mom", but I'd do everything I could to be the best stepmom anyone's ever had.

When the pain on my left side started a few days before July 4, 2010, I had no idea what to think of it. By the time we'd finished fireworks and gotten home, the pain was intolerable and I asked my husband to take me to the hospital. It was there in the hospital that we were told "You're not just pregnant, you're SUPER pregnant", followed 30 minutes later by "We're sorry, but we just can't find the baby". After being admitted to the hospital, my doctor told me that our baby was stuck in my left tube, and my body was rejecting it on it's own. After days of tears and wondering "Why me?" I realized that I needed to both mourn the loss of our child, but be grateful that God had given me a renewed hope that one day I may carry one of our own. After a test was done to see what caused the tubal pregnancy, we found out my left tube is entirely blocked. I was devestated. There's yet another shot at getting pregnant out the window, and it will truly be a miracle if I ever got pregnant again....

May 2011 would turn out to be our best month ever, so far! My stepson turned 13, and we had decided to try again! When it dawned on us that "something" had been missing the last couple of months, we thought maybe we should just take a pregnancy test to rule that out, and if it was something worse, we'd deal with it. So the Saturday before Memorial Day, at 5:30 am, I found myself wide awake thinking "Oh God. I'm going to take another test. What if I'm NOT pregnant? What then?" and then finally telling myself to just go take the darn test. So, I took the test and went about my business trying hard not to look at it until the 2 minutes I was supposed to wait was up. When I looked, there were two lines. Thinking the tears in my eyes were doubling my vision, I wiped my eyes and looked again. Yep, still two there! I had no idea what to think. As I lay in bed wondering if this time would be like the last time, my husband rolled over and said "Good Morning". I thought to myself  "It IS a good morning. It's the best morning of my life, why am I not jumping for joy?" So, I told my husband, and he jumped up and started making phone calls. LOL

June 7, 2011 found us in my doctor's office, having my first ultrasound. She kept telling us how great "they" were doing, and how "they" were the right size. After a couple more "they's" my head swiveled around and caught my husband's eye. He jumped forward and said "THEY?!?!" She calmly said "Yes, THEY. You're having twins." Whoa, where the heck did this come from?? Twins?!?!? How the? Who the? When the? I have twin first cousins. There's no way we are having twins. So she flipped on the screen and yep, there's two little ones in there. They were about the size of eggs on the screen, so from then on, I've dubbed them the "Baby Eggies" and until we find out what they are and can start picking names, they will continue to be referred to by their nickname.

If you've made it this far in the story, we welcome you to follow us on our journey as we continue to keep "Bakin' the Eggies"...

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!!! I am so excited to be the best Aunt to your children, the way you've been the best Aunt to Jordan and Annabelle. We are so glad to have Trevor in our lives and everyday I thank the Lord for bringing more joy into our lives. My life has been so blessed since I met you 17 years ago. You are not only my best friend, you are my sister. I will love you forever B.

    (PS--you meant to say June 7, 2011 in your last paragraph)
