Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dr's Appt, Sept 9th (Update)

So I didn't get on here to update the Eggies' progress after our doctor's appointment last Friday. Everything is going well. Baby A's heartbeat is 151 and Baby B is at 158. While listening to B, I heard a little "popping" noise and the tech asked if I felt that. I said no, but I heard it, and she said that she had just kicked. I told her again that I didn't feel it and she said she felt it through the "microphone" (as I call it LOL).

I had not felt any movement before, and the doc said she thinks it would happen any day now, and I think last night I felt them for the first time. It wasn't a "flutter" like people tell me, it was more like something was swimming in there. LOL I've felt it a couple times today too. It might just be gas, but I'm sticking with thinking it's them. :)

Only other update is that I've gained 9 lbs and she's pleased with this progress. Now, with the incredibly strong cravings I've been having, and the "never feeling full" stuff that's come back with a vengeance, I'm hoping to continue on with our trend of a couple pounds per month. Hoping. I'm not counting on it, but I'm going to hold onto that hope. LOL

Our next appt is Oct 7th, and I've taken half the day off work, so I'll be able to update when I get home! :) It's another ultrasound appt, so I can tell you what funny things they've been doing. (I'd like to show you pics but I can't seem to figure out how the heck I can upload these pictures.) Maybe one day!

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